
The Secret to Taking Time Off #adhd #emailmanagement #googlecalendar #productivity #selfcare #timemanagement #timeoff #worklifebalance Jul 08, 2024

I took the holiday weekend off.

I wasn’t quite sure how I would pull it off until I finally just plain old shut the door to my home office and didn’t sit at my computer for 3 days.

The world didn’t end.

My inbox isn’t too inundated, surprisingly.

And I feel refreshed and...

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The Simple Secret to a More Productive Day #adhdcoach #adhdcoaching #adhdinboxmanagement #inboxmanagement #productivity adhd Jun 15, 2024

Ever feel like you’re drowning in emails before you even start your real work?

It's a common struggle, especially for those of us with ADHD or busy business lives.

But here’s the good news: small changes can make a HUGE difference.

They worked for my client, Courtney!

Here's her story...

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Get to, Have to #adhd #coaching #executivefunction #mentalhealth #mindsetshift #productivity #stressmanagement May 29, 2024

Recently, at my coach approach training we were discussing what it means to have a stuck client, particularly one who has ADHD.

Stuckness can look different in ADHD.

When we get stuck, it stops our executive function.
A decision for us can be like a train on the tracks with faulty signal lights...

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Too Busy Taking My Time #adhd #adhdcoaching #adhdcommunity #productivity Sep 08, 2023

“I was too busy taking my time,” she said to her husband.

I laughed.

And wrote it down.

Because too good not to share!

Isn’t that often true for ADHD?

Or for overwhelmed, stuck, stressed, burned out people?

This summer I found I was all of those things.

It wasn’t just ADHD...

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Filling Your Basket #adhd #adhdcoaching #family #productivity Aug 19, 2023

When we think of boundaries, we usually jump straight to ways to keep others from doing allthethings that drive us crazy.

But boundaries start with us.

They are physical, mental and emotional fences we construct to ensure our safety.

Boundaries are an important first step to improving your mental...

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On the Wings of Dragonflies #adhd #adhdbrain #allthethings #descript #mentalhealth #productivity #shiftshow Jul 30, 2023

I held the carved statue in my hand and wondered.

It just didn’t seem to be the exact momento to remember Sandra Grace by.

It was pretty but I wasn’t drawn to it. It didn't speak to me.

I circled the room again and saw a small photo of a bell.

Hmmmm…now that’s...

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The Best Laid Plans #adhd #productivity adhdcoach anxiety planning timemanagement Jun 17, 2023

The best laid plans of mice and men...

My plan was to take you through a daily journey of my new ADHD medication and how it was working for me.

TLDR: it didn't.

The plan failed before it even began.

I took my first Adderall early Thursday morning.

And had to go off of it immediately.



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Why ADHDers Need to Pause #adhd #adhdcoaching #pause #productivity #selfworth #well-being Jun 04, 2023

Friday afternoon, I looked out our large window - taking a quick breather in between readying the kitchen for a family lunch.

A female cardinal was splashing in our backyard birdbath.

We never see cardinals so I knew this was special.

I called my daughter over.

Because cardinals are believed to...

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How to Embrace Your Uniquely Wired Brain #productivity adhd mentalhealth procrastination May 06, 2023

I lost my license.

The last thing I remember is feeling something in my right pants pocket, pulling it out, and thinking “oh you need to put that in your wallet before you lose it.”

Other than that I have nothing.

Did I put it back in my pants pocket?

Did I put it someplace...

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What Is ADHD Coaching? #adhd #adhdcoaching #productivity May 04, 2023

What is ADHD Coaching?

ADHD and other brain-based challenges can make you feel like your brain is scattered or has 50 tabs open at any given time.

Coaching is a partnership where we focus on your forward momentum one tab at a time.

In coaching, we work together to help you

  • stay focused on...
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