Woman Relaxing by a Pool

The Secret to Taking Time Off

#adhd #emailmanagement #googlecalendar #productivity #selfcare #timemanagement #timeoff #worklifebalance Jul 08, 2024

I took the holiday weekend off.

I wasn’t quite sure how I would pull it off until I finally just plain old shut the door to my home office and didn’t sit at my computer for 3 days.

The world didn’t end.

My inbox isn’t too inundated, surprisingly.

And I feel refreshed and ready to create magic back here at the computer today!


I spent a lot of time in my garden.

We went to a pool party, saw friends, and had delicious bbq.

We met out-of-town friends for dinner by the water followed by Mr Frosty’s!

I rested.
I recharged.

I confess I even took a bit of a slow start on Monday morning - winding into the day with a yoga class.


You’re probably wondering how I do that.

The answer is my (Google) digital calendar.

I plan for time off.

And I protect that time as I would a client meeting.

Running a small business is a lot of work.
And this summer I’m rolling out monthly workshops.

Hopefully, you attended the first workshop on Email last month.

I can tell you that new projects don't always go smoothly.

Attendees ranged from Gmail to Outlook to Apple Mail and after that we offered videos and guides for all three types of email.

That definitely wasn’t in my schedule!
But I stand behind what I deliver and it was the right thing to do.

And if you're an ADHDer like me you think it's all going to take WAY LESS TIME than it actually is.

Because we have time blindness and we forget things.

We swear we’re going to remember that dr appointment in December, but we’re not.

So writing things down or putting them on a calendar is mission critical.

Well there. I tore off the curtain for you.
No magic pill.
The Wizard is just a little man who is still figuring it all out like you and I.
No waving of a magic fairy wand (wouldn't that be lovely?).
Sorry to disappoint.

There's just - 

  • Make a plan
  • Put it on your calendar
  • Execute your plan in bite size bits
  • Celebrate (don't skip this!)
  • Rinse and repeat

And make sure to schedule time for your self care.
YOU are the most important asset in your business.

Now I'm back to my computer to create the next workshop.

Want to guess what it’s about?

There are a few hints above.

Let me know your guess in the comments.

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