
What's Your Gold? #adhd #mentalhealth #olympics #self-care Aug 10, 2024

There’s something so inspiring about the Olympics.

Last week, I wrote about stepping back to move forward.

I think about Simone Biles and how difficult it must have been for her to step away from her team 4 years ago and watch them get the silver. I’m sure a thousand questions ran...

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Get to, Have to #adhd #coaching #executivefunction #mentalhealth #mindsetshift #productivity #stressmanagement May 29, 2024

Recently, at my coach approach training we were discussing what it means to have a stuck client, particularly one who has ADHD.

Stuckness can look different in ADHD.

When we get stuck, it stops our executive function.
A decision for us can be like a train on the tracks with faulty signal lights...

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Find Your Story #adhd #adhdawareness #adhdbrain #mentalhealth #self-care May 20, 2024

Over 20 years ago, I saw a therapist for depression.

It was just before the holidays and with the kindest of intentions, she put me on medication so I could enjoy them.

Unfortunately, that med threw me straight into mania.

I felt like my heart was racing all of the time and I ended up going on a...

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The Power of Pause #adhd #adhdawareness #mentalhealth #selflove May 11, 2024

A few years ago, in the first few months of the pandemic, I wrote nearly daily posts on social media about my experiences.

This one struck home and I thought I would share it with you.

We're just coming out of one of the most important pauses - a family member was in hospice.

And it felt like...

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License #adhd #mentalhealth #self-care May 06, 2024

I lost my license.

The last thing I remember is feeling something in my right pants pocket, pulling it out, and thinking “oh you need to put that in your wallet before you lose it.”

Other than that I have nothing.

Did I put it back in my pants pocket?

Did I put it someplace...

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How to Deal with Spaghetti Brain #adhd #adhdproductivity #mentalhealth #selfcare self-worth Jan 14, 2024

I just got out of my weekly coaching call with my digital marketing coach extraordinaire, Nika Stewart.

I was having one of those moments where I had 6,000 brilliant ideas but not one focus.
And Nika had to rein me in.
Uber focused – love it.

Here I am a productivity coach for brain-based...

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Lemons #adhd #adhdawareness #mentalhealth Oct 11, 2023

The tire gauge indicated a low tire.

We were just heading back to the hotel at 1am after a spectacular shut out stripe out game PSU over Indiana.
I told hubby to go to bed, because I believe that everything is a little easier to deal with after some sleep.

In the morning, he discovered a screw in...

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On the Wings of Dragonflies #adhd #adhdbrain #allthethings #descript #mentalhealth #productivity #shiftshow Jul 30, 2023

I held the carved statue in my hand and wondered.

It just didn’t seem to be the exact momento to remember Sandra Grace by.

It was pretty but I wasn’t drawn to it. It didn't speak to me.

I circled the room again and saw a small photo of a bell.

Hmmmm…now that’s...

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Managing Grief with ADHD #adhd #mentalhealth #self-care #selfcompassion Jul 08, 2023

 Grief Trigger Warning - If this topic isn't for you, please don't hesitate to skip today's newsletter. Taking care of yourself is your most important priority. I honor that and will happily see you next week.

Betty had cancer again.

The metastatic kind.

The kind that means you have...

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Sorry I.. #adhd #adhdbrain #mentalhealth #selfcompassion #selflove Jul 02, 2023

Sorry I’m late.

Sorry I lost your keys.

Sorry the dishes are in the sink again.

Sorry I misplaced the client’s file.

Sorry I forgot to email/text you back.

ADHD is one endless stream of SORRY.

Did you know that ADHDers receive 20,000 more negative messages by the age of 12 than...

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