What is ADHD Coaching?
ADHD and other brain-based challenges can make you feel like your brain is scattered or has 50 tabs open at any given time.
Coaching is a partnership where we focus on your forward momentum one tab at a time.
In coaching, we work together to help you
- stay focused on your goals
- face obstacles
- address executive function issues like time management, organization, working memory, planning
- develop strategies, systems and routines
- increase your self-esteem
- work more effectively and efficiently
How a Well-Organized Calendar Can Change Your Life
September 01, 2024
A well-organized calendar isn't just about knowing what's next on your to-do list.
It's about creating a life that feels more manageable and enjoyable.
Wouldn't you love that?
One of my tricks is to schedule everything, even time for myself.
Yes I slot in my yoga class and my evening walk with my neighbor and date night with my hubby into my calendar.
I also schedule my vacation times first.
Partly because our college daughter still travels with us.
And partly because I would just keep working all of the time if I didn't block out time for what's truly important.
Then I honor those times as much as I honor my client appointments.
Since my weekdays are action-packed (bet yours are too!), my other trick is to schedule as little as possible on weekends.
Our creative uniquely wired brains crave flexibility.
Having that empty space on the calendar satisfies that for me.
ā€‹ā€‹Time to bust a myth -
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