
Commit to Taking Time Off #timeoff adhd owner smallbusiness Jul 21, 2024

Last Saturday, Bob and I stopped at our favorite local bagel place for breakfast sandwiches and iced coffee.

The owner was behind the counter with one employee in the kitchen. Yes many resturants are still searching for more employees.

The owner was talking about his trip to Boston. He was...

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The Secret to Taking Time Off #adhd #emailmanagement #googlecalendar #productivity #selfcare #timemanagement #timeoff #worklifebalance Jul 08, 2024

I took the holiday weekend off.

I wasn’t quite sure how I would pull it off until I finally just plain old shut the door to my home office and didn’t sit at my computer for 3 days.

The world didn’t end.

My inbox isn’t too inundated, surprisingly.

And I feel refreshed and...

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