Why I'm Stepping Back (just for a month)

#adhd #adhdcoach #calendarmanagement #googlecalendar #selfcare #timemanagement Aug 04, 2024

I postponed last week’s Google Calendar workshop until Wednesday, Sept 11 at 11am ET.

We had low registrations and I had even lower energy.

This was a very hard decision to make until it wasn’t.

Here’s why!

I have a list of Needs and Values right next to my computer.

Here are my Needs

  • Health
  • Family
  • Freedom

Here are my Values

  • Honesty
  • Creativity
  • Flexibility

Whenever I have a difficult decision to make, I glance at my Needs and Values and I make a decision from there.

And yes yours might be different.

My clients always enjoy this exercise though they often find it hardest to pare down their lists. And I'm not surprised by that!

So hosting the workshop was definitely checking all of the boxes in my Values department.

Except maybe Honesty because I wasn’t being Honest about my needs.

My health has to come before anything else (“put your oxygen mask on first”).

And getting this workshop ready, marketed etc was feeling exhausting and too much.


One of my life mantras is there's power in the pause.

As neurozesty (or even super busy) people who have a lot on our plates, it's mission critical to honor our energy.

We're not always so good at stopping.

We want to do ALLTHETHINGS.

We overload our schedules and then we wonder why we don’t have time to finish anything.

Old pre-diagnosed me would have pushed through, madly reaching out to people to fill the workshop and finishing up those slides at midnight and then collapsing on Thursday after it was all over.

But pausing - taking a step back - allows us to re-evaluate our priorities.

Do I still want to be old me? Oh h*ll no.

Having a Needs and Values list helps keep that crystal clear too.

Maybe I need to create a workshop on that?

Email me back and let me know!


Stopping and resting is how we bring our best selves to the game.​

Newish me woke up Monday and realized that it all felt like I was pushing a very large boulder up a very steep hill all while I'm not high energy, I'm feeling a bit distracted and in many ways, I’m still mourning.

2023 into 2024 has felt like a decade in a year.

For those of you who don't know me as well yet, we lost my husband's dad to cancer back in April and I’m a cancer survivor. Pops and I were close but there’s something about the cancer bond that’s tight.

Also, we’ve been on senior care duty for well over a year.

And this summer has made me realize that there’s so much I need to do to ensure that my daughter doesn’t face the challenges we have been.

I’ll be talking much more about that in upcoming ezines - probably September after the Google Calendar workshop.

Also we’ve simply needed to rest a lot this summer.


Neurozesty burnout is a real thing!

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.


On Monday, I popped into my messenger to let my coach know that I was going to take a break.

I’m not just postponing the workshop.

I’m also not onboarding any new clients in August.

I’m going to give myself a month to recover.


Now if you’re my client or you’re already on my calendar, I’m 100% here for you.

I just don’t have the bandwidth to add anything else to my plate.

It feels strange and "irresponsible" but simultaneously the weight on my shoulders dropped and I felt a deep sense of relief.

I know this is the right move in my soul all the way down to the tips of my toes.


Monday, my coach had us create theme songs during group coaching.

She shared that she too had been feeling burned out.

Maybe it’s something in the water? LOL

But this song got her excited about her work again.

It brought back the passion and the excitement and the bright shining light that she is.


I’m super excited about my theme song.

It’s where we came up with Neurozesty.

No idea where that’s going yet, but I have the domain name!


I’m taking launching into August in baby steps.

I might send out an email next week. But I might not.

No idea how much rest I need.

I’ll keep you posted!

Reply and let me know how your summer is going.

Are you rocking it with lots of new exciting projects?

Or are you stepping back and getting some R&R before the “school” year?

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