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What Is ADHD Coaching?

What is ADHD Coaching? ADHD and other brain-based challenges can make you feel like your brain is scattered or has 50 tabs open at any given time. Coaching is a partnership where we focus on your forward momentum one tab at a time. In coaching, we work together to help you stay focused on y...

There is No One Right Way to Plan

Actually planning for second quarter. Short version, I use a paper calendar and Post-it notes to plan a quarter. I take a short retreat to my dining room table so that I have clear space to think. And yes a block a day on my calendar. I was also planning for the next two weeks. ​ Many of yo...

The Secret to Getting Out of Overwhelm

Florida - think warmth, sun, tropics, fruity drinks, my parents! The excitement for a long weekend vacation was looming. ​ Monday, my teen texted me that she had Friday off. The day that I was flying to Florida. She has been dreaming out loud about tropical time. Winter is wearing her down....

How to Take Time Off Even When You're Overwhelmed

Since summer, my client has wanted to take Friday afternoons off. Because she runs her own business, it’s hard for her to be away for a week at a time. She has a busy schedule of projects and frequently the client work would seep right into her weekend. It was driving her crazy and she was exh...