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Showing 52 Results:

Losing My Voice

It has been a long summer. I haven't shared much about what happened so I'll give you the short version now. After I returned from the absolutely magical life changing Real Speaking event in Santa Fe, I came down with bronchitis. I don't see this as a coincidence. Losing my voice immediately ...

Too Busy Taking My Time

“I was too busy taking my time,” she said to her husband. I laughed. And wrote it down. Because too good not to share! Isn’t that often true for ADHD? Or for overwhelmed, stuck, stressed, burned out people? This summer I found I was all of those things. It wasn’t just ADHD kicking my *ss b...

Filling Your Basket

When we think of boundaries, we usually jump straight to ways to keep others from doing allthethings that drive us crazy. But boundaries start with us. They are physical, mental and emotional fences we construct to ensure our safety. Boundaries are an important first step to improving your men...

On the Wings of Dragonflies

I held the carved statue in my hand and wondered. It just didn’t seem to be the exact momento to remember Sandra Grace by. It was pretty but I wasn’t drawn to it. It didn't speak to me. I circled the room again and saw a small photo of a bell. Hmmmm…now that’s interesting. But what was behin...

Organization and ADHD

Theresa was constantly putting off organizing her desk. She had so much work to do. She didn’t want to take the time to declutter. And yet each day she was wasting a ton of time shuffling through piles to find that client file. It’s hard to see how being organized can help you save time when ...

What if You Need Self-Compassion not Self-Judgment?

Betty had cancer again. The metastatic kind. The kind that means you have cancer the rest of your life. And then Betty’s husband died. I promise that if you keep reading, this story has a happy endin. When Betty came to coaching, she was stuck - her words not mine. She said she couldn’t lea...

Managing Grief with ADHD

 Grief Trigger Warning - If this topic isn't for you, please don't hesitate to skip today's newsletter. Taking care of yourself is your most important priority. I honor that and will happily see you next week. ​ Betty had cancer again. The metastatic kind. The kind that means you have cancer ...

How to Deal with Shame and ADHD

Sorry I’m late. Sorry I lost your keys. Sorry the dishes are in the sink again. Sorry I misplaced the client’s file. Sorry I forgot to email/text you back. ADHD is one endless stream of SORRY. Did you know that ADHDers receive 20,000 more negative messages by the age of 12 than neurotypical...

Sorry I..

Sorry I’m late. Sorry I lost your keys. Sorry the dishes are in the sink again. Sorry I misplaced the client’s file. Sorry I forgot to email/text you back. ADHD is one endless stream of SORRY. Did you know that ADHDers receive 20,000 more negative messages by the age of 12 than neurotypical...

The Best Laid Plans

The best laid plans of mice and men... My plan was to take you through a daily journey of my new ADHD medication and how it was working for me. TLDR: it didn't. The plan failed before it even began. I took my first Adderall early Thursday morning. And had to go off of it immediately. ​ DIA...