The Emotional Lift of a Decluttered Inbox

#adhd #adhdbrain #adhdcoach #adhdcoaching #declutterinbox #inboxmanagement declutterinbox Jun 01, 2024

Did you know that decluttering your inbox can have a profound impact on your emotional well-being?


For differently wired and/or overwhelmed business professionals, a chaotic inbox is more than just a digital mess — it’s a daily emotional drain. One you may not even consciously realize is happening.

Here are just a few of the drains -

  1. Constant Anxiety: An overflowing inbox can make you feel like you’re constantly behind, adding unnecessary anxiety to your day.
  2. Overwhelm: The sheer volume of emails can make it hard to know where to start, leading to feelings of overwhelm and paralysis. Decision paralysis is the last thing we ADHDers need!
  3. Guilt and Shame: Missing important emails or failing to respond on time can create feelings of guilt and shame, impacting your self-esteem. I'm also going to say right here right now - inbox zero is baloney. You can determine what you think is a manageable number of emails in your inbox!

But imagine this: You open your inbox, and instead of chaos, you’re greeted by an organized, manageable space. It’s a game-changer.

Instead you can feel -

  1. Peace of Mind: Deep breath in... Yes an organized inbox means fewer surprises and less anxiety about missing important communications.
  2. Empowered: Taking control of your inbox is a powerful step towards taking control of your entire workday.
  3. Confident: Knowing you’re on top of your email game can give you a significant confidence boost, making you feel more capable and in control.

Who doesn't love a little peace of mind?


Now, I’d love to hear from you.

What’s one thing about your inbox that causes you the most stress or anxiety?

Reply in the comments.

I’m here to listen and I’ll answer!


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