Let’s Conquer Email Overwhelm Together

#adhdbrain #adhdcoach #adhdcoaching #adhdstrategies #inboxmanagement Jun 09, 2024

As someone who grapples with ADHD and a side of overwhelm, I know how frustrating a cluttered inbox can be.

It's like a constant weight, pulling at your focus and energy, right?


A little while back, I had a client, Danielle, who was drowning in emails.

She felt like she was always playing catch-up, never quite ahead of the game.

And anything tech was her arch nemesis.

Sound familiar?


During our coaching sessions, Danielle and I worked through strategies to declutter her inbox and, more importantly, manage the mental load that comes with it.

Of course, we also put systems in place that she can use going forward!

Seeing her transformation was nothing short of amazing – from stress and frustration to clarity and control.

Here's what Danielle said:

Through your guidance and encouragement, which included a great deal of hand holding, I progressed from completely stopping progress with my business because of the lack of computer skills, and my extreme avoidance in learning new ones. Over time, I actually found myself thinking “I wonder how this would work?” to “Maybe I can figure it out?” to “Oh, that was so easy!

Who doesn’t want to have that easy feeling with their email?


That experience inspired me to create a workshop specifically addressing this common struggle.

The "Got Email Overwhelm?" workshop is designed to help you take back control of your inbox, and by extension, your time and peace of mind.

We’ll dive into practical steps to achieve and maintain Inbox Zero, effective email categorization, and prioritization strategies that fit into your unique workflow.


Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to achieve Inbox Zero without losing your mind
  • Practical strategies for organizing and prioritizing your emails
  • Tips to reduce email stress and boost your overall productivity


  • Date: Wednesday, June 19th
  • Time: 11am - 12:30pm ET
  • Location: Zoom (you'll receive the link when you register)


Here's the registration link:

Inbox Workshop $27

If you register TODAY (June 9th), use coupon INBOXEARLY for $10 off!

That coupon will be gone at 11:59pm ET so don't put this off until later (you know I have ADHD and I do that too, right?).


I truly believe that learning how to manage your inbox can be a game-changer.

It’s about reducing stress and creating space for what really matters – whether that’s more time with family, focusing on high-priority projects, or simply having a moment to breathe.

If this resonates with you, I’d love for you to join us.

I think you’ll find the insights and tools invaluable, just like Danielle did.


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