The snow was falling again in Connecticut last weekend and pretty much all up and down the east coast.
I love the quiet and the slowing down.
A pleasure after a super busy January. A month where I was very sick and couldn't get in any skiing. Skiing is what keeps me sane in winter. And I confess there has been no skiing in February - still recovering - so I wasn't feeling my most happy this winter.
I'm not a person who stays in a negative place for long so I decided to embrace hibernation mode.
Which is actually a healthy thing, but we forget to honor it in the hustle and bustle of daily life.
This winter reminds me of our Hygge dinner gatherings we used to share with our dear friends before they moved to Richmond VA.
It was heaven.
Someone would build a roaring fire.
Everyone would bring yummy comfort food to eat.
We’d put away all of our electronic devices.
We’d settle in on the floor or sofa with cozy blankets and pillows and a glass of wine or cold beer or if someone was feeling especially motivated, a hot toddy.
The dress code was casual.
I loved these gatherings.
They were simple and relaxing and filled with laughter.
If you’ve missed the Hygge trend – Hygge comes from Denmark where it’s freaking cold in the winter.
But instead of complaining about the weather (well I’m guessing secretly a few people do), they hunker down and enjoy the quiet.
According to Meik Wyking in the Little Book of Hygge, hygge is “… wearing your pajamas and watching Lord of the Rings the day before Christmas, it is sitting in your window watching the weather while sipping your favorite tea, and it is looking into the bonfire on summer solstice surrounded by your friends and family while your twistbread slowly bakes.”
So as another snowstorm looms we're gearing up for the Hygge thing here at Casa Avery.
Bob will build a fire while I make homemade hot chocolate and then we'll put on a movie and settle in for some rest and relaxation.
You can too.
- You can take a long hike or snow shoe or ski or build a snowman, because you have enough time to just enjoy the winter.
- You can build a blanket fort with your kids and tell silly stories by flashlight.
- You can snuggle up on the sofa with hot chocolate or a hot toddy and watch Polar Express.
- You can bake bread and slather it with butter. Because God invented bread for butter. Yup butter is my religion. Kidding, but am I?
- You make magical memories in the stillness.
Because the magic isn't in the quest for perfection!
It’s in those moments together.
How do you winter?
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