
How to Embrace Your Uniquely Wired Brain #productivity adhd mentalhealth procrastination May 06, 2023

I lost my license.

The last thing I remember is feeling something in my right pants pocket, pulling it out, and thinking “oh you need to put that in your wallet before you lose it.”

Other than that I have nothing.

Did I put it back in my pants pocket?

Did I put it someplace...

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How to Manage Your Energy to Defeat Procrastination adhd procrastination Mar 11, 2023

Here in the USA we changed our clocks this morning.

Or if you're organized and don't have ADHD, you did this last night.

Spring forward.

A “lost” hour.

I know, I know, we get it back in the fall.

I wondered why I woke up “so late” at 7:30am, but of course quickly realized...

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